Kuala Lumpur Structure Plan
(Gazetted in 1984)
A Dynamic, Efficient and Comfortable City
Kuala Lumpur Structure Plan 2020
(Gazetted in 2004)
World Class Cities
Structure Plan
Kuala Lumpur 2040
(Diwartakan pada tahun 2023)
City For All
General Functions
Preparation of KLSP2040 Draft Report
Stage 1
January 13, 2020
Exhibitions And Public Views
Stage 2
December 10, 2020
Approval of KLSP2040 Draft Amendment
Stage 3
August 31, 2022
KLSP2040 Gazette
Stage 4
November 23, 2023
KLSP2040 Main Framework
Increase the economic value of the city by encouraging innovation as a driver of the economy and productivity of the city and society in Kuala Lumpur
Ensuring that the citizens of Kuala Lumpur have choices, opportunities and access to housing and community facilities as well as a quality neighborhood environment
Creating a quality green environment and beautifying Kuala Lumpur as an attractive city to live and work
Empowering Kuala Lumpur as a low-carbon city that is resilient to climate change and the efficient use of resources
Expanding the transport network as well as strengthening Kuala Lumpur's mobility system to improve accessibility
Manage and support the growth of Kuala Lumpur in terms of physical and spatial development to produce optimal land use
Strategic Direction
The implementation of KLSP2040 is done in two (2) forms, namely the sectoral approach and the spatial approach.
The dynamic and sustainable governance of the City of Kuala Lumpur will be guided by three (3) main approaches which are the achievement of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), planning and development mechanisms and the governance framework of city management.
Through these three (3) approaches, seven (7) implementation actions referred to as the Bandar Management Plan have been identified as the institutional framework for KLSP2040.
PPB 7.
Increase the capacity of communities, institutions, businesses and systems within the city to be resilient to climate change and urban pressures.
PPB 2.
Ensuring that the strategic direction achieves the SDG targets as well as complying with the implementation of the NUA in the preparation of KLSP
PPB 5.
Improve the response to aspects of safety, well-being and quality of public services to the people of Kuala Lumpur
PPB 4.
Form a dedicated data, reference, monitoring and reporting center
PPB 6.
Recognize the value of community involvement by increasing understanding of Kuala Lumpur and increasing community involvement in the decision-making process
PPB 3.
Encouraging Communities to Form Their Own Neighborhood Action Plans to Encourage Proactive Planning Processes and Build Responsive Communities
PPB 1.
Ensuring that Kuala Lumpur has Inclusive, Dynamic and Responsible governance
Main Objective
Strategic Direction
Competitive Urban Economic Growth
Conducive Work and Business Environment
A Dynamic and Strong Regional Economic Growth Catalyst
Target Year 2040
Total Jobs 2040
1.2 Million
Labor Participation Rate
including the informal sector
Total Jobs 2040
1.08 million
working population
New Economic Focus
Shared Economy
Digital Economy
Creative Economy
Broadband Speed
1 Gbps
Strategic Direction
Housing for All Population Groups
Conducive Neighborhoods and Encourage Social Interaction
Target Year 2040
Population 2040
2.35 Million
(1.04% Annual growth rate 2020-2040 – 1.98 million in 2020)
100% based on 40% of the total number of residential units
(Provision of affordable housing and various options until 2040)
Community Facilities
100% Provision of community facilities
which is easily accessible within 250-400 meters
Strategic Direction
Urban Development That Integrates Nature's Biodiversity
Interesting and Creative Urban Environment
Green Network and Urban Heritage
Green Environmental Governance and Effective Urban Design
Target Year 2040
Field Preparation
Ratio of open land and population 2040- 10.51m2/one year 2021
Forest Conservation
Retention of existing forest and recreation areas 2040 – 84.62 hectares (0.40%) of forest in 2021)
Tree Planting
Cultivation until 2040
Garden Connector
Garden Connector
Canopy Cover
Canopy Coverage – 17%
canopy cover in 2016
Strategic Direction
Resilience to Natural Disasters and Climate Change
Urban Resource Management Efficiency
Efficiency in Carbon Emission Reduction
Low Carbon Community Development
Target Year 2040
Low Carbon City
Reduction of GHG emission intensity
Reduction of GHG emission intensity
Renewable Energy
Renewable energy on commercial and residential buildings
Solid waste disposal is used for recycling
Strategic Direction
Urban Development That Integrates Nature's Biodiversity
Interesting and Creative Urban Environment
Green Network and Urban Heritage
Target Year 2040
Mode of Transport
Public and private modes of transport in 2030
Public and private modes of transport in 2040
Pedestrians And Bicyclists
Pedestrians and cyclists
Walking and cycling paths
Strategic Direction
Optimum and Productive Land Use
Renewal of Old Areas
Integration of Land Development and Public Transport
Space Sharing
Special Area Management
Target Year 2040
Of the entire proposed area
– 139 areas
Area Improvement
Of the entire proposed area
– 53 areas
Infill Development
in residential and commercial areas
Each goal, strategic direction and action outlined in KLSP2040 takes into account the SDG approach as follows:
The need for the preparation of a structure plan by the Mayor and submitted to the Minister
Minister's authority for approval or rejection
Publication of Public Notice of gazette notification for Section 8
Changes, additions, revisions or replacements
Publication of notices and gazettes for Section 10
After the publication of KLSP2040, an implementation plan will be prepared with the following objectives: